Audio Talks

Medical Grade Music for Mental Health

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Is the world ready for medical grade music?

Welcome Tom Middleton, sound designer, guru of the Calm App, award-winning functional music composer, sleep science coach, co-chair of the AFEM Health Group & Aifric Lennon, Senior Account Manager, Research Strategist and Music x Mind Researcher at MassiveMusic - two true experts when it comes to the connection between music and our mental health. We discuss what some of the benefits of listening to music are when we are in specific moods, how music can influence our feelings and what you can do if you want to start using music to support your well-being.

Talking about:

Our Audio Talks Playlist on Tidal

MassiveMusic & their MusicxMind initiative

Mindscape App

AudioTalks episode on Sonic Branding

Tom Middleton & his conversation with MassiveMusic

Music Mix and backstory

Sleep music for Calm

Sleep Better album

Help Musicians UK

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